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H50H007XX Align Trex 500X Main Shaft-Mad 4 Heli

H50H007XX Align Trex 500X Main Shaft

$26.99 AUD 
SKU: H50H007XX
product picture:
Packaging picture:
Function Description: Product specifications:
●Applicable to T-REX 500X ●500X spindle x 2
●500PRO spindle spacer (Φ8.1xΦ12x0.3mm) x 1
●500PRO spindle spacer (Φ8.1xΦ12x0.5mm) x 1
●500X spindle fixed sleeve (Φ10xΦ16x5.2mm) x 1
●M2.5 anti- Loose nut x 2
●Round head hex socket sleeve screw (M2.5x16mm) x 3