Cyclone Blades

Mad Mike here!
I am proud to announce that Mad 4 Heli. Is the new distributor for cyclone blades.
I would like to thank Jeff Bradley for all his hard work in bringing cyclone blades to Australia.
Mad 4 heli will be taking over were Jeff left off. The blades will be available at 3 retail outlets on the east coast of Australia.
Zen RC
RC Crew
I am expected to receive the first shipment in a couple of weeks time. From here on in it is my goal to maintain a constant supply.
For anyone that has not flown them Cyclone blades, will be sponsoring fun fly's around Australia. were we will be running a fly before you buy scheme. With no obligation to buy of course.Events we will be attending before Christmas are. Helis on the clearance (Grafton) 16th, 17th October and Heli gods fun fly (Melbourne). to be finalized last Saturday in November
Once you try a set of these amazing blades you will be hard pressed to put you old blades back on.
check them out @

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