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Xpert R1 Unboxing

Mad4Heli is one of the largest and leading sellers of R/C helicopter models in the country. We are also among the top sellers of R/C helicopter accessories such as the Xpert Servos R1 series. Aside from selling these accessories, we are also committed to helping consumers understand their specifications,pros and cons of the accessories.

Thus, Mad4Heli came up with a brief yet detailed video showing the unboxing of the Xpert R1. This video provides essential information about the R1 series servos along with some tips to help you maximise the performance that each of these R/C components can offer.

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Xpert Servo

Xpert brushles Servos here we come!!!!



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Cyclone Blades

Mad Mike here!
I am proud to announce that Mad 4 Heli. Is the new distributor for cyclone blades.
I would like to thank Jeff Bradley for all his hard work in bringing cyclone blades to Australia.
Mad 4 heli will be taking over were Jeff left off. The blades will be available at 3 retail outlets on the east coast of Australia.
Zen RC
RC Crew
I am expected to receive the first shipment in a couple of weeks time. From here on in it is my goal to maintain a constant supply.
For anyone that has not flown them Cyclone blades, will be sponsoring fun fly's around Australia. were we will be running a fly before you buy scheme. With no obligation to buy of course.Events we will be attending before Christmas are. Helis on the clearance (Grafton) 16th, 17th October and Heli gods fun fly (Melbourne). to be finalized last Saturday in November
Once you try a set of these amazing blades you will be hard pressed to put you old blades back on.
check them out

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Mad Mike away on holiday!!

I will be out of the country, Australia!! From 24th June till the 12th July. Mad4heli will be open as usual, orders will be shipped everyday! but I wont be contactable by phone. You can email me at

Se ya on my return

Mad Mike

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Switch blades by Bert Kammerer

Switch blades are here in Australia they have cleared customs and are in transit as we speak.I a expecting them yesterday HaHa. I have added them to the web site so they can be purchased.

They will be shipped as soon as I open the box!!!

 Check them out!!! @


!!! Remember if your not fast your last!!

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SAB Goblin 700 HPS3 Kyle Stacy Edition Overview Video

SAB Goblin 700 HPS3 Kyle Stacy Edition Overview Vidio

Price will be around the $1650 mark!! dont quote me on that.

ETA next couple of weeks

Contact me if you interested in A pre order

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With Coffs harbour fast approaching I am busy fixing al the helis up for 3 days of stick banging mayhem. I have recently just built a goblin 570 on 6 s which is absolutely fabulous. I am just repairing it after hard landing due to esc cutting out. I was just running stock pinion 21t with the 4120 1200kv motor which was giving me approximately 2700 on the head. Hahaha which is a little excessive for this set up. A taste of this head speed has given me a appetite for absolute POWERRRRR !!! so I have decided to ge 12 s .Watch this space because the 12s set up is absolutely bonkers.

Mad 4 heli now has a full range of 570 parts available  with great prices and fast shipping. In fact Mad 4 heli has %90 of all parts for every goblin 630/700/770 competition along with all version 1 parts ! In stock right now ready to ship. We are your one stop shop SAB goblin.

Pcyc indoor flight sessions are really kicking off thanks to every one who attends 

 the PCYC indoor  flight night is  on 5 th May .It will start at 6.00 pm till late.Then every 2nd Friday from there on in. The dates are as follows

                                                  16th May

                                                  30th May

                                                 13th June

                                                27th June

                       So now is a good time to fix up your micro helis and planes and get your asses down to the PCYC for some indoor stick banging action. See ya there!


  THE PCYC will be on Friday 6 PM till late. Rc helicopters and planes welcome, maximum size for helis is 450. Demonstration of skill level will be required to fly the 300/ 450 size helis and larger indoor plenes.

There wil be a $10 admission fee which goes to the PCYC. First session will be classed as taster session with no membership required.If you would like to attend regularly and you are not a 2014 current M.A.D.R.A.M.S member,with MAAQ Insurance. You will be required to join PCYC for insurance purposes. Memberships can be obtained on the night and we can explane the wonderful state wide benefits and range of activities that will be available to you as a PCYC member.

Address Mackay PCYC  Off Norris Road, North Mackay QLD 4740

any queries call Mike on 0438243485

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Mad 4 heli is a proud sponsor of Coffs Harbor heli fest Whoo hooooo!!! Caint wait for this event,I love it. Mad 4 heli will be donating Goblin  500 limited edition kit for the pilots draw along with lots of other goodies tee hats etc. To spice thing up a little bit were putting on a free bar an on Saturday night along with some mad 4 heli promo girls to brighten the place up a bit ! not that it needs it hahah. For obvious reasons if your flying in the night flying Saturday night you will not be allowed to drink alcohol  and drinking responsibly will be enforced at all times.

The new shipment of SAB parts and helis has arrived, check it out! Also on the way is the goblin 570s and and of course if we sell the heli we also carry a full range if parts IN STOCK. Unfortunately there will only be 1x 570 kit coming in .Due to the nature of owning and running a online RC heli store it my duty build and fly on of these brilliant kits. so there will be none for sale! haha .not for another couple of weeks any ways.

Pcyc indoor flight sessions are really kicking off thanks to every one who attends 

 the PCYC indoor  flight night is  on 4th april .It will start at 6.00 pm till late.Then every 2nd Friday from there on in. The dates are as follows




                       4th April

                       18 th of April 

So now is a good time to fix up your micro helis and planes and get your asses down to the PCYC for some indoor stick banging action. See ya there!






  THE PCYC will be on Friday 6 PM till late. Rc helicopters and planes welcome, maximum size for helis is 450. Demonstration of skill level will be required to fly the 300/ 450 size helis and larger indoor plenes.



There wil be a $10 admission fee which goes to the PCYC. First session will be classed as taster session with no membership required.If you would like to attend regularly and you are not a 2014 current M.A.D.R.A.M.S member,with MAAQ Insurance. You will be required to join PCYC for insurance purposes. Memberships can be obtained on the night and we can explane the wonderful state wide benefits and range of activities that will be available to you as a PCYC member.



Address Mackay PCYC  Off Norris Road, North Mackay QLD 4740



any queries call Curtis on 0438243485

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On the way is a big shipment of SAB helis and parts. We have the latest kits,500 Ltd ed/ 630 comp/ 700comp Ltd ed/ 770 comp, also on order any missing parts from our infantory will be filled. We have 98% of all goblin parts for every goblin except the new 570 witch will will be stocking very shortly.

OUR E-flight range is extensive we cary every single part for the x series helis along will various upgrades from lynx witch have just been added to our web site.the lynx parts are mixed in with the appropriate helis ie lynx 130x parts are in the 130x parts section.

I cannot wait for the arrival of the blade 300CFX and it is available for pre order I will be putting one aside for my self along with a carry case.

Pcyc indoor flight sessions are really kicking off thanks to every one who attends 

 the PCYC indoor  flight night is  on  7th March.It will start at 6.00 pm till late.Then every 2nd Friday from there on in. The dates are as follows



                       21 st March

                       4 th April

                       18 th of April  

So now is a good time to fix up your micro helis and planes and get your asses down to the PCYC for some indoor stick banging action. See ya there!






  THE PCYC will be on Friday 6 PM till late. Rc helicopters and planes welcome, maximum size for helis is 450. Demonstration of skill level will be required to fly the 300/ 450 size helis and larger indoor plenes.



There wil be a $10 admission fee which goes to the PCYC. First session will be classed as taster session with no membership required.If you would like to attend regularly and you are not a 2014 current M.A.D.R.A.M.S member,with MAAQ Insurance. You will be required to join PCYC for insurance purposes. Memberships can be obtained on the night and we can explane the wonderful state wide benefits and range of activities that will be available to you as a PCYC member.



Address Mackay PCYC  Off Norris Road, North Mackay QLD 4740



any queries call Curtis on 0438243485




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